

I-camshaft esezingeni eliphakeme ye-hyundai D4A Injini - ukukhetha kwakho okuthembekile

  • I gama le-brand:I-YYX
  • Imodeli yenjini:
  • Okubonakalayo:I-rouctile iron
  • Iphakheji:Ukupakisha okungathathi hlangothi
  • I-MOQ:Ama-PC angama-20
  • Iwaranti:1 unyaka
  • Ikhwalithi:Okom
  • Isikhathi Sokulethwa:Kungakapheli izinsuku ezi-5
  • Isimo:I-100% entsha
  • Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

    Amathegi Omkhiqizo

    Ukuchazwa Komkhiqizo

    Sisungule uhlelo oluphelele lokulawula ikhwalithi ukuqinisekisa ikhwalithi ephezulu kakhulu ye-camshaff yethu. Njalo ama-camshaft ahlolwe ngaphansi kokuhlolwa okuqinile esigabeni ngasinye senqubo yokukhiqiza. Advanced measuring instruments are used to check the dimensions, roundness, and cylindricity of the journals and cams, ensuring that they meet the design requirements.

    Siyethemba ukuthi imikhiqizo yethu izohlangana futhi idlule okulindelwe, ukuhlinzeka ukusebenza okuthembekile futhi okusebenzayo kwezinjini zakho.

    Izinto zokwakha

    Our camshafts are crafted from high-quality ductile iron, has high strength and toughness, enabling the camshaft to withstand the high stress and cyclic impact during the engine's operation. Lokhu kuqinisekisa ukuthembeka nokuqina kwe-camshaft, ukunciphisa ingozi yokuguquguquka nokuqhekeka, futhi kwandise impilo yayo yenkonzo. Ama-camshaff ethu aqhubeka nokuqeda amandla aphezulu aqeda ukwelashwa komhlaba, okubuye kuthuthukise ukusebenza kwawo. High-frequency quenching can rapidly heat the surface of the camshaft to a high temperature and then cool it quickly, forming a hardened layer on the surface. Lesi singqimba esilukhuni sinobulukhuni obuphezulu kakhulu futhi sigqoke ukumelana, ukuthuthukisa kakhulu amandla we-camshaft wokumelana nokugqoka nokufakelwa

    Ukwenza ngendlela ethile

    Ukusuka ekuhlolweni kokuqala kokuhlola kumasheke wokugcina, wonke ama-camshaft ahlolwa okuningi. We employ advanced equipment to measure critical parameters, ensuring compliance with not only our internal standards but also the exacting requirements of engines.Our production facility adheres to international manufacturing norms and is constantly updated with the latest technologies. For the camshaft, we strive to deliver a product that combines reliability, performance, and longevity, meeting the demands of today's automotive industry and providing engine builders with a component they can trust.


    I-Camshaft ihlanganiswe ekusebenzeni kwenjini njengoba ilawula ngokunembile ukuvulwa nokuvalwa kwama-valves enjini. This synchronization ensures optimal air-fuel mixture intake and exhaust gas expulsion, directly contributing to the engine's power output, fuel efficiency, and smooth running. Moreover, the camshaft's robust construction and heat-treated surfaces offer excellent resistance to wear and fatigue, even under extreme operating conditions. Lokhu kusho izidingo zokulungiswa okuncishisiwe kanye nempilo yenkonzo eyengeziwe yenjini.